
Show Notes

  1. Everyone wants to do the big things. Sometimes you need to be willing to do the small things.
  2. It used to be that many people thought we only did large scale events, and it was suggested that we let folks know that we could do smaller events, too – like birthday parties and dinner parties. It opened up more opportunity for business.
  3. Doing smaller scale events can give you a chance to try out new vendors or new ideas and meet new people.
  4. Although creatives want to make money, it can be valuable to give things away, too. Jill Donovan, creator of Rustic Cuff is a great example of how to attract influencers that grow your business.
  5. Be willing to work with influencers and people who have connections, and partner with them in ways that don’t always focus on making money. Show them what you can do. Look at it as marketing your capabilities.
  6. A great example is a story about Joe and Amy Grant. An event planner who wanted to offer her services for free approached Amy and ended up doing an amazing party and made a name for herself. Amy encouraged Joe to do something similar.
  7. Joe and Todd have done it, and it has show benefits over and over, and led to long-term client relationships.
  8. If you’re a creative that’s starting out, pay attention to doing the small things, pay attention to the details and the client ends up paying attention to you for the next project. Show that you’re willing to do what is needed. It develops trust.
  9. When you do small things well, it leads to more responsibility. Be willing to start small. It leads to great things!

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